At the end of 2014 Gasprom advised on the commissioning of liquefied natural gas plant in Perm Territory. Our company was involved in this project having supplied lightning diverters based on faceted conical high masts VGN-30 (1 unit), VGM-30 (5 units), MOGK-30 (5 units), communication masts RMG-31 and lighting fixtures.
The complex consist of LNG mini-plant in the village of Kanusiata located in Karagaisky District, and of 3 receiving, storage and regasification stations in Ilyinsky settlement of Ilyinski District, Nerdva village of Karagaisky District and in Severny Kommunar settlement of Sivinsky District.
This complex in Perm Territory is the first project of autonomous gas supply which was implemented within the framework of the Russian regional gasification program. Autonomous gasification allows gasifying cities and settlements more remote from trunk pipelines. This way gas price for LNG end consumers is the same as for consumers of pipeline gas.